You may choose to say hello in the chat box or just keep quiet. The recovery community is supportive and friendly, even with strangers. Although it may seem like the other people in the group already know each other, that’s not necessarily true.

Often, people show up a few minutes early to socialize, check in, and say hello. When you enter the group, the moderator or another group member will probably greet you by name. If you would rather not share anything about yourself, you can put “just listening” in your user name. The way you introduce yourself is based on your comfort level. You can also choose your user name: most people use their first name and location. Just being willing to show up is a win! Virtual meetings may ease those initial stressful feelings, since you have the option to leave your camera off, which means other people can’t see your face. Often, people have some nervous feelings about their first few recovery meetings. Many people attend recovery meetings as a way to support their recovery journeys. If an online meeting you attend is having issues with hackers, please visit for guidance on how to report the hackers and information about how to keep meetings safe. Please refer to each meeting group for best practices on how to maintain anonymity (if desired) during virtual meetings. We have compiled a short list of virtual resources below. This map contains links to external resources that are not operated or maintained by Google. There are additional resources that you can connect with, including a Facebook group owned and moderated by the Voices Project. Looking for a different group? Try the Online meetings list to find virtual meeting options throughout the globe. Information for groups closest to that area will be displayed - if no local resources are available, the nearest available resources, e.g. To use the tool, simply enter a zip code into the search bar and choose a support group (e.g. Since requirements and practices vary by region, we’ve created a locator tool that you can use to find your nearest support group or recovery chapter (e.g. Some support group meetings have changed to fully virtual, while other meetings are hybrids-a combination of digital and in-person participants who can all see and hear each other.

COVID-19 has changed the way we can gather and meet.